QUESTION: If I arrive without proof of vaccination/negative COVID-19 test and/or a mask will I still be allowed to attend?

  • ANSWER: No. All members, regardless of vaccination or testing status, must provide the proof outlined in our policy, as well as be properly masked. 

QUESTION: I paid for [Insert name here] badge, I want to pick it up with my own, can I?

  • ANSWER: No. Every registered member, regardless of who made payment, must show ID and Proof outlined in our policy. 


QUESTION: Which vaccines are acceptable?

  • ANSWER: Any vaccine authorized in the country in which the vaccine was received, including authorization for emergency use, for human use as a COVID-19 vaccine is acceptable. Here is the CDC’s list of accepted vaccines.

QUESTION: Do you require COVID-19 Boosters for entry?

  • ANSWER: Yes, Penguicon is requiring at least one COVID-19 Booster for all attendees eligible for a booster. This includes children ages 5 and up, with the bivalent booster being the preferred booster (CDC recommendation as of 10/2022).
  • We do provide the option of members providing a Negative COVID-19 test taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to badge pick up. Home Tests will be accepted.


QUESTION: What do I need to bring with me to provide Proof of Vaccination?

  • ANSWER: We will be accepting the same documentary proof that the CDC outlines here. For the 2023 convention year, we are allowing photo Vaccination Proof. If you choose to show a photo as your Vaccination Proof, you must show your primary and booster to be allowed entry to the event. This includes children. Be advised, you must also show valid, government issued ID along with Vaccination Proof. We understand that at times, our members’ names may be different then what appears on legal documents. If this applies to you, email [email protected] so we can work through this.


QUESTION: I was vaccinated “X” months ago. How recently do I have to have been vaccinated?

  • ANSWER: Your last dose of COVID-19 vaccine, be it a single series shot, or a double series shot must have been given a full 14 days before the day you arrive to check-in and pick up your badge. You are considered fully vaccinated on the 14th day after the vaccination series was completed. For example, if your last dose was any time on April 1st, then April 15th would be the first day that you meet the 14-day requirement. Any Proof of Vaccination record that meets this definition of fully vaccinated, will be accepted, no matter when administered.

QUESTION: Why are you requiring Proof of Vaccination or Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test taken within 72 hours before badge pickup while COVID-19 can still be spread and/or you can still get COVID-19 while being vaccinated?

  • ANSWER: At the core of Penguicon’s heart is our long held belief in our mutual respect for one another. Every step each individual member takes to mitigate risk to one another is the right thing to do. Members of the Penguicon Community, and around the world have died of COVID-19. Wearing masks, being vaccinated or showing proof of a negative COVID-19 test is the least we can all do to keep one another safe and still have an in person event. Home Tests are accepted. 


FAQ: Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test

QUESTION: What types of COVID-19 Testing will be accepted?

  • ANSWER: Members must provide proof of a viral test (NAAT or antigen test). PCR and rapid antigen COVID-19 Tests are accepted. As are At-Home tests. Please be sure to bring proof of your own negative test result, dated and time stamped. At home COVID-19 test results will only be accepted if  you take a picture, with your face in it, of the test to show the reg desk. 


QUESTION: What is the timeframe for acceptable testing? 

  • ANSWER: The Date and Time Stamp of your COVID-19 test must be within 72 hours from when you arrive to check-in/pick up your badge. If you pick up your badge on Friday, the 21st, you must provide a negative COVID-19 Test dated no earlier than 72 hours before you arrive. 
  • Badge Pick Up: Fri. April 21 – results no earlier than April 18th.
  • Badge Pick Up: Sat. April 22 – results no earlier than April 19th.
  • Badge pick Up: Sun. April 23 – results no earlier than April 20th. (Chelle Notes: Dates updated for 2023 date range)


QUESTION: Are over-the-counter free/purchased, rapid response COVID-19 tests done by a member themselves accepted?

  • ANSWER: Yes! Provided that the test results picture includes the face of the person registering for Penguicon, and the test is taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to arrival and badge pick up!



QUESTION: What specifically does approved Mask mean? Are there face coverings not accepted? 

  • ANSWER: An approved Mask must, at a minimum; fit properly and snuggly, fully covering your nose and mouth, and secure under your chin. 

Masks and Face Covering Not Permitted:

  • Masks with exhalation valves 
  • Face coverings, including bandanas, that are unable to be secured under your chin
  • Neck Gaitors
  • Masks with mesh materials
  • Masks which contain holes or are significantly damaged
  • Costume masks
  • Clear, open bottom, plastic face shields, only. (may be worn in conjunction with an approved mask)

QUESTION: What is your policy regarding people who do not properly wear their mask? 

  • ANSWER: Our Mask mandate is part of our 2023 policies under our Code of Conduct. Any member not properly wearing their mask, will be violating our Code of Conduct. A member will be asked only one time to rectify the situation. Any further violations will result in revocation of your membership, with no refund. 


QUESTION: How do I report someone in violation of the mask mandate?

  • ANSWER: You may report any violation directly to Ops. The Ops Desk is located directly across from the Algonquin Ballrooms, in the coat closet. You may also report a violation to any member of the ConCom, designated by the lanyards stating ConCom. 

QUESTION: We must wear a mask at all times unless actively eating or drinking? 

  • ANSWER: Yes. Members must wear an approved Mask upon arrival and check in/badge pick up. We ask members to ensure they are not walking through the convention spaces with food or drink, as an excuse not to wear a mask. If we work together, this should be no issue. 

QUESTION: The convention I was at last month said masks could be removed by people speaking on panels, mostly to make it easier for the audience, particularly those who might be hard or hearing, to understand. Does Penguicon have a rule one way or the other about this aspect?

  • ANSWER: At this time, be prepared to wear your mask; be you presenter or audience member. We will provide guidance in your welcome materials. 

QUESTION: I have an accessibility question regarding the Mask Mandate. What should I do?

  • ANSWER: There are no exceptions to the Mask Mandate, however, as always, email us at [email protected] for help with accommodations for those with disabilities. 

QUESTION: Do people have to wear their masks while in a room party?

  • ANSWER: Room Parties are not official events at Penguicon, but are beloved! They are privately hosted parties held in the guest room of the Party Host. Penguicon does not control what a guest does in their room. We do require members to be fully and properly masked in hallways, elevators, stairwells and all convention spaces. If a member attends a room party, that member is responsible for donning their mask before exiting the party. We strongly advise members to wear a mask everywhere except when they return to their personal guest room.
  • Party Hosts may require Masks to be worn.

QUESTION: Will the con be providing masks for people? 

  • ANSWER: Due to the financial hardships felt because of previous cancellations, we are unable to provide every member with multiple masks for the weekend. We will have a few masks available for emergencies, but members should arrive with the appropriate number of masks they feel they will utilize throughout the weekend.

QUESTION: The City/Local/State/Federal authorities no longer have Mask Mandates. Why does Penguicon?

  • ANSWER: While it is true various branches of governments around the world have elected to cancel mask mandates, it is also true that COVID-19 is still a threat to the health and safety of people. At the core of Penguicon’s heart is our long held belief in our mutual respect for one another. Every step each individual member takes to mitigate risk to one another is the right thing to do. Members of the Penguicon Community, and around the world have died of COVID-19. Wearing masks, being vaccinated or showing proof of a negative COVID-19 test is the first sign of respect we can all show to keep one another safe and still have an in person event.


For questions or further details visit our COVID-19 Policy page.

 Can’t find the answers you seek, contact our Con Chair below

Contact information:
2023 Conchair: Dave “Ska” Green – he/him: [email protected]

Penguicon Board of Directors: [email protected]